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My Portfolio


Written blogs

Throughout the years, I've endeavored to share the wealth of knowledge and experiences gained from my journey through life via these blogs. Feel free to explore and immerse yourself in them as you see fit, finding inspiration and insights along the way.

Montly Reads: July 2024

Discover feel-good reads, a trip to Tokyo, and inspiring lessons from incredible leaders—all in this month's edition!


Aug 21, 2024

Montly Reads: June 2024

This edition features a summary of 'How Will You Measure Your Life?' by Clayton Christensen. The author offers strategies for finding happiness in career and relationships while maintaining integrity. His personal stories and professional insights provide a valuable guide for a fulfilling life.


Jul 7, 2024

Montly Reads: Apr & May 2024

This month's edition of book summaries combines reads from April and May, featuring insights from 'Focus on What Matters,' 'Same as Ever,' and 'Slow Productivity.'


Jun 24, 2024

Importance of good commit message

Explore the importance of concise commit messages and how commitizen streamlines the writing process, enhancing codebase clarity and collaboration.


May 1, 2024

Monthly Reads: Mar 2024

With the story of reuniting the siblings to "How to become a Straight-A student". Join me as we explore Academic insights and bid farewell to the gripping tales of Hossein.


Apr 14, 2024

Monthly Reads: Feb 2024

From the emotional exploration of friendship in "The Kite Runner" to the technical insights of "Modern Generative AI", finally culminating in yet another emotional tale of "A Thousand Splendid Suns". The month was a truly a romantic fervor of Khaleed Hossieni's narratives.


Mar 14, 2024

Monthly Reads: January 2024

This past month I read two novels. One offering insights on overcoming procrastination and the other a love story in amidst a mysterious plot.


Feb 10, 2024

I read 3 books this month

In this article, I share my journey to reading 1 page a day to reading 3 books a month. How this small step followed consistently led me to form an habit I'm grateful for in life.


Sep 2, 2023

Essential guide to Jupyter notebook

Discover all the essentials of Jupyter Notebook and unlock its full potential. Includes cheatsheet for both Windows & Mac users


July 22, 2023

What is MLOps

MLOps is a process of automating Machine Learning using DevOps methodologies.


May 21, 2023