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I read 3 books this month

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Sep 2, 2023




“Habits are the compound interest of self improvement” - James Clear

Upon reading the title, you might not be astonised, and I wouldn’t expect more. In fact, there are many who read more books that I do in a month.

However, the purpose of this article isn’t to boast, endore, or applaud myself for reading three books in a month. Instead, I want to share my journey of consistency and commitment towards reading books, which eventually lead me to establish a habit of reading three books a month. Let me begin.

The Beginning

It all started six months after I began working. Prior to that, I had never read a single book outside of college curriculum textbooks. My mentor at the time suggested the very first book I ever read, and a friend of mine gifted me some books to read (I had never received books as a gift before; it was a first for me). And so, my reading journey commenced.

The Progress

When I initially started reading, I took it slowly. I would read just one page a day or perhaps 8-10 pages a week. My main goal was to keep reading, rather than rushing to finish a book within a week or three days. I’m glad that I didn’t burden myself with such dubious expectations that could increase cognitive load of my mind. With the guidance of my mentor and friend, we formed a small group where we made time to discuss the books we were reading, gradually leading to the formation of a reading habit.

The Habit

The truth about forming a habit lies in consistency and commitment. In the beginning, my focus was on committing to starting a new book after finishing the previous one, and consistently reading at least 8-10 pages each week. this consistent effort eventually blossomed into a habit and even enhanced my reading speed. (Nowadays, I can comfortably read about 60-70 pages a day during my commute, which spans approximately 3-4 hours.)

This reading habit brought about a shift in my behaviour and perception. For instance, when my dinner is delayed, instead of turning on the TV, my instinct automatically reaches for a book. During weekends when I find myself alone with no particluar activities, my hands naturally reach for a book.

This is the power of habit. Once developed and cultivated, it can transform you into the person you’ve always aspired to be.

The Conclusion

Most individuals who attempt to form a habit give up quickly. This often happens due to setting stringent goals, lacking commitment, or failing to maintain consistency. If you’re facing such challenges, I recommend starting small. Beginning small could mean something as simple as just showing up

For instance, you could spend five minutes sitting in your chair during scheduled reading time, or you could show up at the gym and engage in a brief five-minute conversation with your trainer. Research has indicated that “showing up” is often the most challenging part of habit formation.

If you’re struggling, give this suggestion a try. You’ll be astonished by the potency of such a tweak in your habit-forming journey.

Books I Read:

  1. “True Colors” by Kristin Hannah
  2. ”Angel Falls” by Kristin Hannah
  3. ”A World Without Email” by Cal Newport
  4. ”Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda (I picked up this book in the last week)

I am thankful for the mentors and friends who guided me along the way, for the books that opened up new worlds of thought, and for the small steps that eventually paved the way for significant change.

Remember, every journey begins with a single step, and it’s often the smallest efforts that lead to the most significant transformations. To each of you reading this, I express my gratitude for taking your time in reading my article.

Here’s to a future filled with continued growth, learning, and the magic of forming positive habits.

Thank you